About Existential Therapy
Existential psychotherapy is deeply rooted in philosophy, primarily Existentialism – a school of thought which is concerned with what it means to be human. It emphasises the power and the limitations of our own agency to shape our lives, our ability to create our own meaning, and the importance of our relationships with others.
Existentialism calls upon us to deeply understand our core beliefs and values, and to live authentically. Existentialists believe feelings of despair and anxiety arise when we refuse to accept how our lives are not in line with our core values, and suggest that by realigning ourselves with those values we can live full lives full of meaning and purpose.
As an Existential Psychotherapist, I’ll support you to discover and better understand your own personal core beliefs and to live more authentically. I’ll help you to consider the interplay between the choices you make and things which are outside of your control, which can lead to greater satisfaction in life.