About Group Therapy

I run weekly therapy groups for people who identify as queer, trans and/or polyamorous or ethically non-monogamous. Whilst issues of gender, sexuality, and relationship styles might not be what people bring to the group, many people find it comforting to be in community with people who have shared or similar identities.  

In some ways, group therapy can be a lot like one-to-one therapy. Each week, you’ll be invited to reflect on your life and the challenges you face. However, in a group you’ll also benefit from having a number of people reflecting back what they hear – not just a singular therapist.

Groups can also be a fantastic place to explore who you are in relation to others; by becoming more mindful of your reactions, thoughts, and emotional responses to others in the group you can begin to better understand who you are and how other people experience you. 

In addition, unlike in one-to-one sessions where the focus is often on the individual, therapy groups offer the opportunity to learn and grow from the experiences of others and the challenges they face. You may find yourself relating to the struggles another member is experiencing and benefit from the creativity they bring to facing those challenges. Conversely, hearing from people whose experiences or perspectives are different from your own can help you to expand your capacity for empathy and may give you new insights and more compassion for other people in your life.  

In terms of practicality, groups consist of five to eight people plus myself, and meet for an hour and a half each week. 
